Genealogy Goals For The Fall

Inspired by Astrid’s blog, “Of Trolls and Lemons,” who was inspired by Tina Lyons’s “Gen Wish List,” I am making a Fall genealogy to-do list. Here’s mine, in no particular order:

  1. Organize my website Lamberson surname project into groupings of likely related families as promised.
  2. Open and sort at least 3 boxes’ worth of backlogged and unsorted data, sort it and incorporate it into my research.
  3. Scan at least 3 photo albums from my recently deceased grandmother’s collection and tag and package the photos for distribution to my cousins/
  4. Update my existing family pages on my website.
  5. Make family pages for the branches not currently well represented (e.g., Wright, Reeves, Whitledge, Winn, Isley, Willis families).
  6. Improve mapping and graphics included.
  7. Work out the search engine results so they go directly to the subject in question not just the right page.
  8. Scan in lots of the Swedish records I have copied and insert them into my database.
  9. Consider the ProGen course as well as other online offerings (including the online offerings I just heard about but haven’t looked through).
  10. Participate in as many of my fellow genealogists’ blogs as I can.
  11. Apply new techniques to some of my old lines I haven’t worked on for a long time (like the Andrews and Carroll lines).

Well for me, that’s quite a list, but making it will certainly help me achieve the goals I want to meet. What does your fall genealogy to-do list look like?

About glamberson

I am an amateur genealogist and a professional technologist, having experience in both areas that goes back to the 1980s (at least). My genealogical interests really began in 1979 when my grandfather died. Computers & technology have been primary interests since the early 1980s. My first personal computer was an Apple IIe bought shortly after they first became available.
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1 Response to Genealogy Goals For The Fall

  1. Tina Lyons says:

    I’m glad that I could give you some inspiration. Good luck on all your goals this month. I especially like that you are scanning your grandmother’s photos and then giving copies to your cousins.

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